Friday, March 30, 2007

Annotated Bibliography

1. Maria R. Estorino "Gabriel Garcia Marquez and His Approach to History in One Hundred
Years of Solitude." 1994. March 21, 2007

Maria R. Estorino focuses on what other scholars say about the book. All three authors believe that the book focuses in the repetition of history. History is represented in two different ways: the way the characters experience it and the method in which it develops. The characters in One Hundred Years of Solitude are stuck between the present and past. In an article by Fanny Carrion de Fierro believes that One Hundred Years of solitude time is divided into two periods which repeat. Every one in the story is focusing on discovering their past. Aurelianoi Buendia search through Melquiades room to find traces of the past but had no luck. The second cycle is a search for a Utopia. Te bringing of civilization, movie theaters, electricity, and running water marks the Utopia. The arrival of the banana company destroys Macondo. It is related to something that happened in reality. One scholar named Lois Parkinson Zamora focuses on the apocalyptic setting in the novel. She focused on the similarity between the biblical apocalypse and the destruction of Macondo. The characters are bound to the past but long for the future which causes them to forget their history. Another issue is how to create our own history with our own words. The Biennia’s past is based on what the narrator says and the work of Melquiades. The destination of Macondo is already determined and Aureliano and Melquiades are aware of this unlike the other characters. The different between the Bible and the ending of the story is that there is no birth after the destruction of Macondo.

2. Lois Simpson "Death in One Hundred Years of Solitude” March 21, 2007

Lois Simpson focuses on death in One Hundred Years of Solitude. Once death has arrived there is no stopping it. When Ursula and Jose Arcadio find Macondo they are running away from death to build a new world. When they moved to Macondo there was no cemetery but eventually death followed. Death comes in forms of solitude. The first son to Ursula, Aureliano, is the “epitome of solitude and death”. In actuality life begets death. The majority of Aureliano’s sons are assassinated at a young age. Jose Arcadio Buendia is in solitude and is hung up to an oak tree. Once death occurs he is more separated from humanity than when he was alive because when he was alive Ursula would come to talk to him at times about the family. The Buendia men are driven by inner madness to a life of solitude. Aurelliano want to be left alone when he is being praised. To Aureliano solitude is like death. He is so lost in solitude that he just wants to end it all. Violent death comes to the Arcadios rather than the Aurelianos. Every Aureliano and Arcadio has the fate of solitude.

3. Robin Florello One Hundred Years of Solitude “A family’s struggle through a tumultuous century” March 21, 2007

From the views of Robin Florello, he focuses on the sexual relationships in One Hundred Years of Solitude. In his perspective Marquez deals with the issues of the live of the Buendia family in an honest and realistic way besides the fact of their sexual lives. The book is very similar to soap-opera. One example he uses is the relationship between Ursula and Jose Arcadio Buendia. Ursula and Jose Arcadio Buendia are actually distant cousins. Ursula is afraid of incest so she wears a chastity belt so that her offspring’s will not come out having a pig tail as her cousin did. The next member of the Buendia family to carry on the tradition is Aureliano Buendia. Aureliano falls in live with a seven old girl named Remedios who is the friend of Armaranta. They don’t get married until she is nine and she has reached puberty. Aureliano doesn’t have desire for women of his own age but a little girl. This situation in today’s society is considered rape. The next Buendia is Jose Arcadio who happens to come back from his stay with the gypsies and falls in love with Rebecca who was raised by his parents. Rebecca was dating Petra Costes and were soon to be married. She sleeps with Jose Arcadio before she marries him. The quote that he uses to portray how Rebecca feels when she first sees Jose Arcadio is “Only Rebecca succumbed to the first the impact, the day she saw him pass by her room she though Petra Costes was a sugary dandy next to that protomale whose volcanic breathing could be heard all over the house…….” <> Armaranta struggles to find a relationship. She also is in love with Petra Costes and will do anything to stop him and Rebecca from marrying. When Rebecca leaves him, he falls in love with Armaranta. Armaranta can’t get over the bitterness that she has towards Rebecca and refuses to let any one love her. Armaranta also has a strange sexual relationship with her nephew Aureliano Jose Segundo. Aureliano leaves the army because he loves Armaranta and wants to marry her. At first they sleep together but she soon bars her door so that he may not enter at night. The next man that fell in love with her was General Gerinaldo Marquez who treated like the women she is. She eventually turns him down and can’t destroy whatever is blocking her from loving.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lesson Plan 3

Date: March 29,2007

Lesson: Gabiel Garcia Marquez

Professor: Ms. Douglas and Ms. Jelkes

Purpose: To teach students to interpret the visual aids of a book and to analyze what aspects of the portrait makes the book more attractive to read.

Material Needs:
• One Hundred Years Of Solitude Book
• Paper (computer, construction paper, etc.)
• Writing Utensil
• Arts & Crafts Supplies (scissors, glitter, glue, etc.)

• Students will be able to express creativity in a scholary manner.
• Students will make connections to the book and their interpretations of it.

• Re-create the book cover using the materials the students brought to class.
• Write a 6-10 sentence report explaining what students drew, color selectio and what drove them to compose the cover the way they did.

Assessment: See Rubric

Book Cover Rubric 10-8 POINTS 7-5 POINTS 4-1 POINTS

CREATIVITY Shows a large amount of creativity and thought. Barely shows an average amount of creativity and/or thought. Shows little to no effort or creativity.

NEATNESS Well-composed, legible paper and portrait. Moderately composed with small visual errors. Resembles work of a mentally challenged 4 year-old child.

RELEVANCY TO BOOK Write-up reflects themes of the book as well as plot and character traits. Somewhat expresses the themes of the book Shows more personal thoughts rather than combining the personal thoughts with the book’s plot and themes.

PRESENTATION Good eye contact, speaks loudly with little or no unnecessary movement. Average eye contact with small movement and small use of filler words. Repeating grammatically incorrect phrases such as: “like”, “ and then” etc.
Name of Presenter:

Lesson Plan 2

Date: March 29, 2007

Lesson: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Duration: One Class Period (50 min)

Professor: Miss Douglas and Miss

• One Hundred Years of Solitude
• One Hundred Years of Solitude discussion questions
• Writing Utensil
• Paper

• Students will review character change
• Students will review plot and themes

• Review character and themes
• Do Discussion Question

• Each question is worth 2 points each


1. What kinds of solitude occur in the novel (for example, solitude of pride, grief, power, love, or death), and with whom are they associated? What circumstances produce them? What similarities and differences are there among the various kinds of solitude?

2. What are the purposes and effects of the story's fantastic and magical elements? How does the fantastic operate in the characters' everyday lives and personalities? How is the magical interwoven with elements drawn from history, myth, and politics?

3. Why does Garcia Marquez make repeated use of the "Many years later" formula? In what ways does this establish a continuity among past, present, and future? What expectations does it provoke? How do linear time and cyclical time function in the novel?

4. To what extent is Macondo's founding, long isolation, and increasing links with the outside world an exodus from guilt and corruption to new life and innocence and, then, a reverse journey from innocence to decadence?

5. What varieties of love occur in the novel? Does any kind of love transcend or transform the ravages of everyday life, politics and warfare, history, and time itself?

6. What is the progression of visitors and newcomers to Macondo, beginning with the gypsies? How does each new individual and group affect the Buendias, the town, and the story?

7. What is the importance of the various inventions, gadgets, and technological wonders introduced into Macondo over the years? Is the sequence in which they are introduced significant?

8. What is Melquiades's role and that of his innovations, explorations, and parchments? What is the significance of the "fact" that Melquiades "really had been through death, but he had returned because he could not bear the solitude"? Who else returns, and why?

9. When and how do politics enter the life of Macondo? With what short-term and long-term consequences? Do the social-political aspects of life in Macondo over the years parallel actual events and trends?

10. What types of women (from Ursula and Pilar to Meme and Amaranta Ursula) and what types of men (from Jose Arcadio to Aureliano Babilonia) are distinguishable? What characteristics do the men share? What characteristics do the women share?

11. What dreams, prophecies, and premonitions occur in the novel? With which specific characters and events are they associated, and what is their purpose?

12. When, how, and in what guises does death enter Macondo? With what consequences?

13. On the first page we are told that "The world was so recent that many things lacked names." What is the importance of names and of naming (of people, things, and events) in the novel?

14. How do geography and topography--mountains, swamps, river, sea, etc.--affect Macondo's history, its citizens' lives, and the novel's progression?

15. What aspects of the Buendia family dynamics are specific to Macondo? Which are reflective of family life everywhere and at any time? How do they relate to your experience and understanding of family life?

16. How does Garcia Marquez handle the issue and incidence of incest and its association with violence beginning with Jose Arcadio and Ursula's marriage and the shooting of Prudencio Aguilar? Is the sixth-generation incest of Aureliano Babilonia and Amaranta Ursula inevitable?

Lesson Plan 1

Date: March 29,2007

Lesson: One Hundred Years of Solitude

Duration: One Class Period (50 min)

Professor: Miss Douglas and Miss Jelkes

Purpose: To ensure that the students have read the book. Also with the issue of identity, this wil help them dinstinguish the different characters.

Material Needs:
• One Hundred Years of Solitude
• Writing Utensils
• Paper

• Students will review identity and its importance
• Students will also review and solitude and its significance

• Review identiy
• Discuss the main themes of One Hundred Years of Solitude
• Students will write a (1-2 pg.) essay following one character.

• 40 points for the essay

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Reflective Journal 3

"Colonel Aureliano was a shadow. Since the lat time that he had gone out into the street to propose a war without any future to Colonel Gerinaldo Marquez, he left the workshop only to urinate under the chestnut tree. He did not receive any visits except that of the barber every three weeks. He fed on anything that Ursula brought him once a day, and even though he kept on making little gold fishes with the ame passion as before, he stopped selling them when he found out that people were buying them not as pieces of jewelry but as historic relics. He made a bonfire in the courtyard of the dolls of Remedios which had decorated their bedroom since their wedding. The watchful Ursula realized what her son was doing but she could not stop him." pg. 277

The passage that I chose talks about how depressed Colonel Aureliano Buendia is. Since the major theme of the book is solitude, personally i believe that Colonel Aureliano Buendia solitude is deeper than the rest of the family. I believe this because he would only talk to Jose Arcadio. He died standing on the side of the chestnut tree after urinating. He hated the new industrialized Macondo. He wanted to protect the town that his mother and father found and created. No one seemed to understand him at all. No one really cared about his motives and feelings except Ursula his mother. I also believed that he was a very lucky man considering the fact that he had premonitions and that he had escaped his death on many occasions. Personally I believe that solitude is a waste of time. There will be ups and downs in everyones life but no one should ever dwell on the bad things then they might know what it means to be happy.

Reflective Journal 2

Even though we are done with the book, I still didn't like it. It was very boring and confusing. Everyone dies and I sill wonder why. In someway it does have something to do with real life. Considering the fact that history repeats itself. I am still upset at that the fact that we had to do this project close to graduation. Basically it is either pass or fail. I still believe that this assignment would have been so much easier if you would have applied it to Song Solomon. The ending of the book also sucked. How could try so hard to create something that is eventually going to get destroyed. Overall, I am excited that its over and its almost time for us to leave this school. This project also made me realize how difficult college is going to be. Thanks a lot Miss Brown!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But we still love you!!!!!!

Rough Draft Work Cited

Maria R. Estorino "Gabriel Garcia Marquez and His Approach to History in One Hundred
Years of Solitude." 1994. March 21, 2007

Lois Simpson "Death in One Hundred Years of Solitude" March 21, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Active Reading 3

Chapter 11
Magical Realism:
on one moonlight night Fernanda saw a beautiful women dressed in white crossing the garden toward the chapel. pg. 222

he discovered that the ,mark was indelible and so were those of his brothers. They tried soap, water, earth and a scrubbing brush, lastly a pumice stone and lye, but they could not remove the cross. pg. 233-234

He broke so many plates without touching them, pg. 237

Character Change:
Fernanda: The wife of Aurelaino Segundo. She was very lost in the world. She came into the house of the Buendia family taking over everything. She changed all of the traditions to follow her faith.

Aureliano Centeno: The first son of Colonel Aureliano Buendia who was brought to the house to be baptized. He eventually decided to stay in Macondo and opened up his on ice factory.

Aureliano Triste: The son of Colonel Aureliano Buendia. HE worked in the ice factory. He eventually began his own railroad system.

The only candle that will make him come is always lighted." pg. 220 Petra Cortes believes that event though Aureliano Segundo is married as long as he sees her lights on he will always come back to her.

"I married a Sister of Charity." pg. 226 Aureliano Segundo is making fun of the fact that Fernanda is a virgin and a very pure girl.

"She's still alive!" pg.236 Ursula is surprised to hear that Rebeca is alive since no one has seen or heard from her in may years.

"We have to bring in a railroad." pg. 238 Aureliano Centeno is trying to modernize the country and expand Macondo just like Jose Arcadio Buendia.

Resentment: Fernanda resents the fact that Aureliano Segundo is sleeping around with Petra Cortes and that they are happy with one another.

Entrepreneurship: Aureliano Centeno wants to build a railroad system in order to modernize Macondo.

Summary:In the beginning of the chapter it talks about Fernanda and her family and how she was raised to be a queen. Aureliano Segundo comes to rescue her and marries her. Aureliano doesn't stay faithful to his wife and sleeps around with Petra Coste. Fernanda tries to change the Buendia house into a religious sanctuary. She throws away all of their customs so that they may be better people.Fernanda and Aureliano Sergundo have two children named: Renata Remidios and Jose Arcadio. Ursula wants to raise Jose Arcadio to be a pulp. The seventeen sons of Aureliano Buendia come to Macondo too receive ashes. The ashes are marked on their forehead until death. Aureliano Triste And Aurelaino Coste remain in Macondo and buils a ice factory and a railroad system.

Magical Realism:
It was an intricate stew of truths and mirages that convulsed the ghost of Jose Arcadio Buendia under the chestnut tree with the impatience and made him wander all through the house even in broad daylight. pg. 242

It was so deep in his body that the cracks in his skull did not give off blood but an amber-colored oil that was impregnated with that secret perfume, pg. 252

Remedios the Beauty was waving good-bye in the midst of the flapping sheets that rose up with her, pg. 255

Character Change:
Remedios the Beauty: She was very unaware of the world. She reside in her own world. She was very childish and didn't care about her appearance. She was loose but still pure. She was really dingy. She had the mark of death. She is very simpleminded and flirtatious.

Colonel Aureliano Buendia: Resume in solitary and was very upset with the production of Macondo. HE wants to start another war with the Conservatives.

" With any of them your children will come out with the tail of a pig." pg. 248 Ursula is warning Remedios not to get close to the Aurelainos because she might have kids with mutations.

"Be careful," pg. 250 Remedios does not really care about the fact that the man is watching her she only cares about the fact that he might fall because she knows that she carries the omen on death.

"We're going to have to raffle you off." pg. 254 Ursula was being sarcastic considering the fact the no man wants to marry Remedios and Remedios doesn't want to marry a man.

Lack of Sense: Remedios doesnt realize how young she acts. She really doesn't realize the affect she has on her family or other men.

The city becomes industrialized and becomes flourished with foreigners. Fernanda and Aurelaino Buendia do not agree with this. Remedios the Beauty continues to kill more men with her beauty and eventually disappears. Colonel Aureliano Buendia threat the banana company that they will go to war but in retaliation someones tries to kill his sons. Colonel Aurelaino Buendia goes into solitude and is upset that his childhood friend Colonel Marquez does not want to support him.

Magical Realism:
and the dead ghost of Jose Arcadio Buendia, who at times would come sit down with and inquisitive attention in the half-light while she was playing the clavichord. pg. 277

Character Change:
Ursula: She is getting very old and is not as functional as she use to be. She doesn't want to tell anyone because she doents want to feel useless. Her senses became better and she found ways to keep from bumping into things.

Aureliano Segundo: IS know a very fat man. He forgets about his family and stays with Petra Costes. He begins to spoil her with everything and neglects his family. When he has a near death experience he begin to spend time with Fernanda.

Camila Sagastume: She was known as the Elephant . She was very sturdy and gigantic and very beautiful. She is also a very compassionate woman because when she founds out that Aureliano Segundo is in pain she suggests that he should stop. She is very well mannered and believes that you should eat through the spirit.

Jose Arcadio Segundo: He was in solitude and hasn't been to see his family in a while. He comes to visit Colonel Aureliano Buendia sometimes to discuss private matters. He had a very depressing face when he was in presence of the family. He also worked with the banana company and was banned from the house by Fernanda.

Colonel Aureliano Buendia: Dies underneath the Chestnut tree.

"The years nowadays don't pass the way the old ones used to." pg. 263 Ursula is coming to an acknowledgement that she is getting old and wish that the days would go bye slow so she wont get old.

"You're not sitting where you're supposed to." Ursula is talking to Armaranta because she accidentally bump into her while she was sewing.

"You have a heart of stone." pg. 277 Ursula is talking ot Colonel Aureliano Buendia because he is a very darkened man. He doesn't have feelings for anyone and is definite to solitude.

Solitude: Colonel Aureliano Buendia is in solitude because he stays in his room all day and doesnt conversate with anyone. He doesnt express his feelings for anyone. His heart is made of stone.

Ursula is getting very old and is loosing her senses. She tries to stop time because she believes that time moves to quick. The house becomes emptier since there is no one left. Armaranta makes her own shroud because she was told that she was going to die on the last day that she would finish making it. Aureliano Segundo moves out of the house to stay with Petra Costes. He almost kills himself in a eating contest against the Elephant and request to go to Fernanda. Fernanda and Aureliano Segundo make an arrangement to play house when ever Meme returns from school. Jose Arcadio Segundo to visit Colonel Aurelia Buendia. Ursula wants Jose Arcadio Segundo to get him out of a slum. Colonel Aureiano Buendia is found by the oak tree dead the next day.

Magical Realism:
She saw it because it was a woman dressed in blue with long hair, with a sort of antiqued look, and with a certain resemblance to Pilar Tenera..... pg. 299

Maracio Babilonia was always in the audience at the concerts, at the movies, at high mass, and she did not have to see him to know that he was there, because the butterflies were always there. pg. 308

Character Change:
Meme: The daughter of Fernanda and Aurelaino Segundo. A very smart and artistic girl. She was very mature.

Armarant: She eventually dies. She knows that her time has come so makes her shroud that she may be buried with. She tries to prolong the project so that she may prolong her life.

Ursula: She is getting very old and is still trying to resist death. She morns over the death of Armaranta for nine months. She spent most of her time playing with Armaranta Ursula because she remind her of herself.

Mauracio Bablionia: The man that Meme falls in love with. He is the driver for the Brown's. He devoted most of his time to Meme. He gets shot in his spin and is put to bed for the rest of his life. He eventually dies and his symbol of butterflies disappear.

"I was only now discovering how much I loved you both." pg. 292 Meme is making up an excuse because she doesn't want to tell her parents how she truly feels.

"You can see in his face that he's going to die." Fernanda knows that Mauracio is going to die.

Solitary: Meme doesn't talk to anyone after the death of Mauracio. She just goes along with whatever her mother says she is no longer herself.

Fernanda and Aureliano Segundo have anothe child named Armaranta Ursula. Amaranta is preparing to die. She tells the whole town that she is going to. She is in solitude and doesnt know what time she is living. She dies a virgin. Meme and Aureliano Segundo become closer. They have a bond with each other that Meme cant have with Fernanda. Meme falls in love with Maracio Babilonia who is the driver for the browns. Fernanda finds out about their relationship and forbids them to see each other. Maracio is caught csneaking to see Meme and is shot in her spinal cord and cant walk for the rest of his life. Meme remains in solitude when she finds out that her lover has been shot.

Magical Realism:
It was as if the machine guns had been loaded with caps, because their panting rattle could be heard and their incandescent spitting could be seen, but not the slightest reaction was perceived, not a cry, not even a sigh among the compact crowd that seemed petrified by an instantaneous invulnerability. pg. 328

He event went through the small square by the station and he saw the fritter stands piled one on top of the other and he could find no trace of the massacacre.

Character Change:
Fernanda: IS treating her grandson Aurelaino wrong. She beliaved that the Meme would bring shame to the family. She would not let him outside. Aureliano Segundo didnt know about the existence of his grandson.

Meme: After the death of Mauracio, she did not conversate with anyone. She wasd always silent and remain in solitude.

Jose Arcadio Segundo: After he witnessed the massacre aand found no trace of it he went into solitude.

"Its as if the world were repeating itself." pg. 320 Ursula is talking about how Aureliano is just like her son Aureliano.

"We'll tell them that we found him floating in a basket." pg. 322 This was a lie to hide the baby of Meme because Fernada didnt want to look down on.

Solitude: Jose Arcdio Segundo goes into solitude once he realize that he just witnessed the death of 3,000 people by the soldiers.

Fernanda is embarrased that Meme is pregnant and sends her to a covent. The baby is brought back to the house and Fernanda locks him up in Colonel Aureliano Buendia's room. The boy is named Aureliano. Jose Arcadio Segundo wants to go on strike against the banana company and witnessed the death of 3,000 wiorkers. The bodies were piled onto a train and thrown into the river. When Jose Arcadio speaks of it no one believes him because there is no trace of the event. The government looks for Jose Arcadio at the Buendia's house. He is located in Melquiades room but they only see decay and instruments. Jose Arcadio remains in the room in solitude to acknowledge the death of the 3,000 people.

Chapter 16
Magical Realism:
It rained for four years, eleven months and two days. pg. 339

,and it did not rain again for ten years. pg. 355

Character Change:
Ursula: She is getting very old and loosing her sense of reality. SHe would always think about her past and think it was the present. She would always let Aureliano and Armaranta Ursula play with her.

Aureliano Segundo: Realizes that he is geting old and is close to dying. He eventually goes back to stay with Petra Costes to finish his life. He grew closer to Aurelaino. He tought him how to read and fight.

"These aren't times for things like that." pg. 346 Petra Costes is telling Aureliano that they cant have sex because they are getting old and close to dying.

"Please shut up." pg. 351 Aurelaino Segundo is getting tired of Fernanda running her muth about stupid stuff.

Solitude: Aureliano Segundo turns to solitude because he cant go out and have fun becauses of the rain.

It rains in Macondo for five years straight. Aureliano Segundo is in solitude. He becomes close to Armaranta Ursula and Aureliano. He teaches them how to read and write and other things. Armaranta Ursula and Aureliano play with Ursula as if she is a toy. The vast majority of rain destroys the whole town. Fernanda begins to write letters to invisible doctors because she is depressed. Fernanda complains about how less of a man Aureliano Segundo is. Aureliano gets tired of her complaining and finds enough food so that they will never starve. He then goes back to stay with Petra Costes.

Chapter 17
Magical Realism:
:the roses smelled like goose foot, a pod of chick peas fell down and the beans lay on the ground in a perfect geometrical pattern in the shape of a starfis, and one night she saw a row of luminous orange disks pass across the sky. pg. 369

He described him as a cross between a billy goat and a female heretic, an infernal beast whose breath scorched the air and whose look brought on the birth of monsters in newly wed women. pg. 369

,and a green and greasy liqued flowed from its wounds. pg. 370

Character Change:
Aurelaino: Remained in solitude. He learned about life through his grandmothers. He was very curious.

Rebeca: She finally dies.

Aurelaino and Jose Arcadio Segundo: They both leave the world at the same time. Their bodies were put into the wrong caskets.

"So much trouble teaching you good manners and you end up living like a pig." pg. 361
Ursula was talking about how Aureliano and Jose Arcadio Segundo were raised to be proper but act like pigs.

"Dont let it get away, life is shorter than what you think." pg. 377 Aureliano is trying to sell his raffle tickets but also knows that is almost time for him to die.

Solitude: Aureliano is in solitude because he wants to learn about is family and the town of Macondo.

Ursula finds out that Jose Arcadio Segundo has been residing in Melquiades room. She requests that they look after him once she dies. She dies at the age of 120. Petra Costes and Aureliano Segundo are struggling to survive since all of the livestock was destroyed in the rain. Aureliano regrets not spending time with his family and wants to send Armaranta to a school in Europe. Jose Arcadio Segundo and Aureliano are trying to decipher Melquiades language so that they can learn about Macondo. Aureliano Segundo and his twin brother Jose Arcadio Segundo both die at the same time and their coffins a mixed up.

Chapter 18
Magical Realism:
Actually, he was talking to Melquiades. pg. 384

Suddenly there was no forks in the silver chest and she would find six on the altar and three in the washroom. pg. 389

Character Change:
Aureliano: He sees the ghost of Melquiades and tries to decipher his language so that he may learn about his family.

Santa Sofia de la Piedad: She gets tired of trying to take care of the house and Aureliano and Fernanda and leaves.

Fernada: She is getting old and is tired of living such a miserable life. She eventually dies.

"This is too much house for my poor bones." pg. 386 Santa Sofia de la Piedad is getting tired and is old and she cant take anymore.

"the saints will let me know." pg. 397 Ursula is saying that when she is gone somebody will be watching them.

Same as in chapter 17.

Aureliano takes the state of solitary in Melquiades room and is occasionaly visited by him. Aureliano finds out that he has to buy a book to dicipher what Malquiades is saying and it wont be done until the book is 100 years old. The family survives off the food that is sent by Petra Costes who herself is starving. Santa Sofia de la Piedad is tired of taking care of the family and leaves. Aureliano gives her some money so that she may survive on her own. Fernanda dies and her son Jose Arcadio comes home. He only returns for inheritence and finds that gold that his father has been looking for under Ursula's bed. Him and Aureliano become close friends. The last son of Colonel Aureliano Buendia comes to the house and is shot in front of the Buendia house. Jose Arcadio is killed by some of his childhood friends.

Chapter 19
Magical Realism: the noise of the dead people who walked through the bedrooms until dawn. pg. 420

, snakes with twelve rattles, and a turtle with a glided shell who dove in a small artificial ocean. pg. 423-424

Character Change:
Armaranta Ursula: Very beautiful and intelligent woman. She was very up on fashion and when she returned to Macondo she just wanted to revamp it and make it a better place.

Gatson: The husband of Armaranta Ursula. He was involved in science. He was an inventor too. He would spend his time disecting insects and tried to build a bike.

Nigoramanta: An African-American woman that Aureliano slept with on numerous occasions.

Aureliano: He wants to discover his past. He finds new friends and sort of has a new life.

"'s obvious that there's no woman in this house." pg. 405 Armaranta Ursula is being sarcastic when she goes in the house and sees how junky he is.

"Back in your cave again?" pg. 420 Aramaranta Ursula is being sarcastic again since Aureliano never comes out of Melquiades room to talk to them.

Incest: Aureliano falls in love with his aunt who is Armaranta Ursula and rapes her.

Armaranta Ursula returns to Macondo with her husband named Gatson. She wants to revamp the town of Macondo so that it may look the way it use to. Aureliano falls in love with Armaranta Ursula . He also finds friends that always meet at the bookstore to talk about philosophical ideas. He meets and Pilar Tenera and she tells him about the Buendia family. He sleeps around with this prostitute named Nigromanta. Armaranta Ursula and Aureliano are dating after he forces her to have sex with him.

Chapter 20
Magical Realism:
It was the tail of a pig. pg. 443

Character Change:
Pilar dies at the age of 146. She is burried in her rocking chair instead of a coffin.

Aureliano: Is on a search to learn about his past and who is parents were and how did he become apart of the family.

"Who would have thought that wereally would end up living like cannibals!" pg. 441 Armaranta Ursula is being funny because she always use to call Aureliano a cannibal and now she is living like him.

"we'll name him Aureliano and he'll will win thirty-two wars." pg.442 Aureliano wants his son to be like his great-great uncle Colonel Aureliano Buendia.

Solitude: Aureliano goes in solitude when he realizes that his newborn baby is being eatin by red ants.

Gatson leaves to build his air mail service. He doesn't return because he learns about Armaranta Ursula and Aureliano's relationship. The Buendia house is destroyed due to the red ants that never disappear. Armaranta Ursula and Aureliano's baby is born with a pig tail which is something Ursula Buendia wanted to avoid. Armaranta Ursula has a major lost of blood ans dies after giving birth to their baby. Aureliano forgets about the baby and went to have a drink. When he returns the baby is being carried off by the red ants and is eaten alive. He locks himself in the house and finally deciphers Melquiadess book. He learns about the entire history of the Buendia famil. As he reads he finds out that as he is reading he is reading his life.The apocalypse comes and destroys the town of Macoindo and its memories.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Reflective Journals

This is how i feel about this project. I truly believe that it is so dumb. It is too much to do in so much little time. It would be so much easier to do if you decided to give to us when we were doing the Song of Solomon. This book is very confusing. I am tired of reading about people who have the same name. The book is very confusing to me, there is too much to read and to comprehend. The book is alos to said for me. Everyone is dying from depression or are not enjoying the true meaning of life.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Active Reading Part 2

Chapter 7
Magical Realism:
the officer who shoots Colonel Aureliano Buendia and all the soldiers in the squad, one by one, will be murdered, with no escape, sooner or later, even if they hide at the ends of the earth. pg. 13

A trickle of blood came out under the door, crossed the living room, went out into the street, continued on in a straight line across the uneven terraces, went down the steps and climbed over curbs, passed along the Street of the Turks , turned a corner to the right and another to the left, made a right angle at the Buendia's house, went in under the closed door, crossed through the parlor, hugging the walls so as not to stain the rugs, went on to the other living room, made a wide curve to avioid the dining-room, went along the porch with the begonias, and passed without being seen under Amarnata's chair as she gave an arithmetic lesson to Aureliano Jose, and went through the pantry and came out in the kitchen, where Ursula was getting ready to crack thirty-six eggs to make bread. pg.145

They found no wound on the body nor could they locate the weapon. pg. 145

Take good care of Papa because he is going to die. pg. 152

Prudencia Aguilar would come twice a day to chat with him. pg. 152

....through the window they saw a light rain of tiny yellow flowers falling. They fell on the town all through the night in a silent storm, and they covered the roofs and blocked the doors and smothered the animals who slept outdoors. pg. 153

Character Change:
Amaranta:She gets over her love for Pietro Crispi and falls in love with Colonel Gerineldo Marquez.

Aureliano: He retreat from the war and goes back to writing and his thoughts became more clear and started to think about his purpose in life.

"My son" pg.134 This is what Ursula shouted when she saw the soldiers bring in Aureliano as captive for execution.

"You knew all along that I was a wizard." pg. 136 Aureliano is being sarcastic with his mother about the fact that he can predict certain things.

"We won't call her Ursula because a person suffers too much with that name." pg. 143
Santa Sofia de la Piedad is saying that she will not name her daughter Ursula because she has noticed that Ursula has been through allot of pain.

Identity: Aurelaino shows the introduction to self-identity when he questions his purpose for being in the war.

Aureliano Buendia and Gerinaldo Marquez are sentenced to death by the Conservaives and will be killed by the firing squad, it takes place in Macondo. Jose Arcadio comes out shooting the soldiers and yelling so that he may save his brother. Aureliano Buendia continues to lead his army. He has many ups nad downs. There were many assassination attempts for him which helped realize that he has no perpose in the war. He returns home and continues to write his poetry which reminds him of Remedios. The wife of the late Arcadip who is known as Santa Sofia de la Piedad gives birth to the twins and names them Jose Arcadio and Aureliano Segundo. They all reside in the Buendia's house. The Buendia curse continues when Jose Arcadio dies mysterely. There are no wounds on his body or any weapon. The house continues to smell like gun powder. Rebeca feels guilty for the death of her husband. Rebeca buries herself alive in the earth and distants herself from society. Gerinaldo Marquez falls in love with Armaranta but she treats him how she treated Pietro Crespi. Ursula tells Jose Arcadio Buendia about the family but sometimes lies abotu it to make him feel good. Jose arcadio Buendia eventually dies and to signify his death it rains yellow flowers.

Chapter 8
Magical Realism:
,and like all men sent by the cards he reached her heart when he was already stamped with the mark of death. She saw it in the cards.
Character Change:
Aurelaino and Jose Arcadio Segundo: The twins, the sons of Arcadio and Santa Sofia de la Piadad.

Santa Sofia de la Piedad: She begin to work with Ursula in her pastry business .

Aureliano Jose: Escape from the army and returned home looking like a new man ready to marry Amaranta. He eventually became a different man. Because Amaranta didn't want to marry him he would go around sleeping with women and stealing from Ursula and would only come home to change clothes.

Pilar Ternera: She became depressed and lost all hope. She grew old and bitter with no one to love. She stops her fascination with tarot cards and became interested in everyone else's love.

Rebeca: She was in solitude. She buried herself alive in the earth and heart no longer existed. She was no aware of the war or anything that happened in Macondo. She was very frail, you could see her bones through her skin.

"At first they behave very well, they're obedient and prompt and they don't seem capable of killing a fly' but soon as their beards appear they go ruin." pg.166 Ursula is talking about how the two boys that she raised treated her like nothing once they got older.

"If it does happen that way, give him an embrace for me, because I don't expect ever to see him again." General Moncada knows that he is going to die but doesn't know if he will see Aureliano before he dies so he wants Ursula to give him a hug for him.

Incest: Aureliano Jose wants to marry Armaranta but the problem is that she is his auntie. Amaranta feels that it is wrong but Aureliano Jose doesn't care because he loves her.

Solitude: Rebeca goes into solitude after the death of Jose Arcadio. She buries herself in dirt alive and is very unaware of her surroundings. Aureliano Jose shows solitary when he gets rejected by Armaranta he finds deals with his solitary by sleeping around.

Aureliano Jose falls for his aunt, Armaranta. They sleep together naked and touch each other but never have sex. Armaranta rejects Aurelaino Jose's love and he decides to join the army. The Conservatives try to hold Aureliano Buendia but but he flees and takes Aureliano Jose with him. A man named Jose Raquel Moncada becomes mayor of Macondo.Jose Raquel Moncada and Aurelaino Buendia are quite close despite their differences. Aurelaino Jose returns to Macondo for Armaranta's hand but she denies bcause she is afraid of incest. Aurelaino Jose gives up and starts to sleep around with different women and it results to solitary. Aureliano is shot by an Conservative soldier in a riot. All seventeen sons of Aureliano Buendia that he haswith various differetn women accross the world come to the Buendia's house to be baptized and are all named Aureliano but with the mothers last name. Aureliano Buendia returns to Macondo with his own army looking strong and powerful or like a new man. He has to put Jose Raquel Moncada to death but refuses to kill his companion.

Magical Realism:
Ursula took the cover off the pot of milk on the stove, wondering why it was taking so long to boil, and found it full of worms. pg. 193

,and then she was Jose arcadio Buendia, soaking wet and sad in the rain and much older than when he had died. pg. 193

Character Change:
Aureliano: He looses all contact with the war. He returned calm and collective. He returned with three wives in which they reside in Ursula's house. His heart was confused, he didn't know how to love, he was very uncertain. He tries to kill himself but doesn't succeed

"You're rotting alive." pg. 179 Aureliano is turning into someone alse. He is starting to act like he doesn't care about anything or anyone. He should be dead instead of living a dreadful life.

"How awful" "the way time passes." pg. 186 Aureliano he regretting how much time has passed since he has seen his family.

Solitude: Aureliano begins to loose direction. He gets tired of people cheering him on for his accomplishments in the army felt that everyone was against him. In the house he didn't realize anything about his family. Once he gain his sense back he destroyed all of his past positions, such as his laboratory, clothes, weapons, and his poetry.

Colonel Gerineldo Marquez and Colonel Aureliano Buendia are giving up on the war. Marquez retreats to Armaranta but she always claims that she doesnt love hims but is relaxed in his presence. Aureliano Buendio remains in solitary with no types of emotions or sense of surroundings. He tries to destroy all of his past. Aureliano is told that he has to kill Marquez and this helps him realize that hte wart is useless. Areliano and Marquez have to fight against their own side which is the Liberals in order to end the war. He tries to sign a peace treaty but believes he is betraying his country. He attempts to shoot himself in the heart but he doesn't succeed. The troops bring him home and Ursula is relieved. With the return of Aureliano she tries to redecorate the house.

Chapter 10
Magical Realism:
one day Santa Sofia de la Piedad gave one of thema glass lemonade and as soon as he tasted it the other one said it needed sugar. pg. 198

Against the light from the window, sitting with his hands on his knees, was Melqquiades. pg. 200

His mares would bare triplets, his hens laid twice a day, and his hogs fattened with such speed that no one could explain such disorderly fecundity except through the use of black magic. pg. 206

Character Change:
Aurelaino Segundo: Was first involved in the army. He was a very greedy man. He tries to change the town of Macondo into something else. He married a women named Fernanda del Carpio. They had a son and named him Jose Arcadio. He slept around with one particular women name Petra Coste. Becomes fascinated with alchemy and has conversations with Melquiades. He eventually enters solitude.

Fernanda del Carpio: The most beautiful women chosen out of 5,000 women from France. She eventually became the wife of Aureliano Segundo.

Petra Coste: Arrived in Macondo with her husband who sold raffle tickets but once he died she continued the business. She was very generous and longed for love. She was the mistress of Aureliano Segundo and also enjoyed nature.

Remedios the Beauty: The daughter of Arcadio Jose and Sofia de la Piedad. She his the most beautiful girl in Macondo. Any man who sees her face is bound to die. She is very spoiled and childish because of her sheltering by Ursula.

Jose Arcadio Segundo: Was invovled in the army but when he witnessed his first execution he turned to church. He also slept with Petro Coste but she was the only women he ever had. he eventually became involved with cockfighting.

"He use to talk to himself." Ursula is saying that Aureliano is just like his great-grandfather, Jose Arcadio Buendia because when he studied alchemy he would talk to himself.

"This one will be a priest." Ursula wants to raise Aurelaino's son because she doesn't want him to be like the rest of the kids. She wants to make this boy different so that nothing bad will happen to him.

"hat woman has been your ruination." Ursula believes that if Aurelaino Segundo continues to sleep around with Petro Coste than his life will be destroyed.

Self-Identity: In this chapter, Ursula is tired of everyone in the Buendia family having the same name. She believes that everyone who is either named Aureliano or Arcadio will have destriminted lives. After the birth of Jose Arcadio , the son of Aureliano Segundo, she bans the names Arcadio and Aureliano from the family.

Gluttony: The town is not how it use to be it is full of money and other unnecessary attractions. Jose Arcadio Segundo shows gluttony when it comes to him and his animals and how every night he would pour champagne and him and others to show how rich he was.

In this chapter we met Aureliano and Jose Arcadio Segundo. Aurelaino Segundo picks up a fascination with alchemy. He spends most of his time in Malquiades' lab. Melquiades also comes to visit him and helps him with his experiments. Jose Arcadio Segundo becomes invovle with the chursh after he saw his first execution. He evantually becomes a cockfighter and strangley he has sex with donkeys. Aureliano and Jose Arcadio both sleep with Petro Coste but Jose Arcadio stos because he catches a disease from her but Aureliano continues their relationship. They engage in sex everynight and their relationship causes there animals to multiply. Jose Arcadio becomes very rich due to his farm. He shows off his wealthyness by throwing parties and pouring liquor everywhere. Jose Arcadio wants to explore and tries to create a river passage to the ocean. He is able to bring a boat to Macondo from France. A carnival is held in Macondo and Remedios the Beauty is declared queen of it. She is the most beautiful women in the world but is still a child. A riot is started at the carnival by two men who came with Fernanda del Carpio who eventually becomes the wife of Aurelaino Segundo.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Active Reading

Chapter 1
Magic Elements:
The pot was firmly placed in the center of the table, but just as soon as the child made the announcement, it began an unmistakable movement toward the edge, as if impelled by some inner dynamism, and it fell and broke on the floor. pg. 16

Jose Arcadio Buendia: Founder of Macondo, a very stubborn dreamer. He was a father to three children. He also shows favoritism towards Aureliano who is interested in alchemy. He is also a very demanding parent.

Ursula Iguaron: The wife and cousin of Jose Arcadio Buendia. She has a fear of incest. She also wore a chastity belt to keep from incest.

Melquiades: A gypsy and a friend of Jose Arcadio Sr., he brings him all of the new inventions from over seas, he also get him involved in alchemy.

"Macondo is surrounded by water on all sides."pg. 13 The person speaking is Jose Arcadio Buendia. He is very upset because he has traveled this far to find new land located near Macondo, but every direction he went it was surrounded by water.

"Its the largest diamond in the world." pg. 18This portrays Jose Arcadio Buendia's lack of knowledge. He believes that a block of ice is a diamond.

"This is the great invention of our time."Pg.19 Jose Arcadio Buendia is expressing how he feels that ice is the greatest invention on earth.


Solitude: Because of how Jose Arcadio Buendia sat in his laboratory working on experimenting. All of this caused him to ignore his family and friends. He stayed away from his household duties.

Colonel Aureliano Buendia is thinking about his past after the founding of Macondo, when the gypsies came to town. His father Jose Arcadio Buendia was very fascinated with all of the inventions they brought to town. Jose Arcadio Buendia became close friends with one of the gypsies named Melquiades. Jose Arcadio Sr. eventually took up studying alchemy and built a laboratory with the help of Melquiades. He intrest in alchemy made him loose human contact. He neglected his family, friends and his town. With is quest for knowledge he goes on a search to find new civilization. He leads a group of friends to find new land but in the direction he went, he only found water. When he returns from his trip he plans to move his family to another place but his wife Ursula stops him. He eventually realizes that he has been neglecting his children and starts to spend time with them. Jose Sr. is glad that his son Aureliano is interested in alchemy but Jose Jr. is not. The gypsies eventually return and Jose Sr. finds out the Melquiades has died.

Chapter 2
Magic Elements:
Two nights later Ursula saw Prudencia Aguilar again, in the bathroom, using the esparto plug to wash the clotted blood from his throat. pg.25

they brought a flying carpet. pg. 34

One day Aramanta's basket began to move by itself and made a complete turn about the room.... pg.39

Jose Arcadio Jr.: He is growing up and is discovering his manhood. He starts to sleep around with Pilar and his about to have a child. He learns to deal with his problems by running away.

Aramanta: The daughter of Ursula and Jose Sr. She had human features but sort of showed characteristic features like a newt.

Jose Arcadio Buendia: He starts to realize that he is taking his interest in Alchemy. He learns that it took him away from interacting with his family.

"I new it was going to happen."Pg.39 This is what Jose Sr. said when Ursula came back. He had it in his mind that she was going to return because he prayed for her return.

"may God preserve you just as you are." pg.36
The gypsy woman is talking about Jose Jr's. Testicles. I guess it is some type of blessing.

Solitude: Jose Jr. put himself into seclusion when he found out that Pilar was pregnant. He didn't leave the house for an umber of days.

Incest: It is practiced in the family because Jose and Ursula are cousins. Incest is also a major issue to Ursula because she didn't want her kids to come out with animal features.

In the beginning of chapter two, it talks about own Jose Sr. and Ursula were born in the same village and are also cousins. Ursula is afraid of incest because she doesn't want her kids to have mutations. She received this notion from her uncle being born with a pig’s tail. As time goes on, Ursula wears here chastity belt. The people in the town tease Jose Sr. about this. When a man named, Prudence Aguilar says something about it, Jose sr. kills him. The ghost of this man haunts them for the rest of their lives. Jose remembers his first introduction of ice which reminds him of Macondo. This causes him to go back to his fascination in science with Aureilano accompanying him. On the other hand Jose Jr. decides to sleep with Pilar Ternera, they eventually have a child. While she is pregnant he meets a gypsy girl who he also has sex with. With all of this news about the baby he decides to leave with the gypsies. Ursula goes on a journey to find her son and ends up discovering new civilization.

Magical Elements:
they realized that they had gone more than fifty hours without sleeping. pg. 49

He really had been through death, but he had returned because he could not bear the solitude. pg. 54

Character Change:
Jose Arcadio Buendia: He becomes more productive in his society. He wanted the town of Mocando to look civilized. He helped the town grow. He planted trees on the street and built more homes for new residence.

Aureliano: He becomes so interested in Alchemy. It takes up most of his time; he can’t be a child any more. He goes days without eating and spending time with his family. He is similar to his father.

Rebecca: When she first came to stay with the family, she was secluded. She did not eat anything or talk or play with. Eventually she began to open up and became Rebeca Buendia.

"I don't know who it will be,"pg. 44 This Aureliano uses his so called predictions to let his family know that Rebecca is coming to stay with them.

"If we don't ever sleep again, so much the better."pg.48 This is Jose Arcadio Buendia trying to be funny about the fact that the whole town is about to have insomnia. He believes that the Indian woman is talking nonsense.

Solitude: Rebecca shows solitude when she first got to the house she did not talk to anyone. Melquiades also showed solitude when he died he went to the end of the world and was not able to communicate with anyone.

After Ursula's discovery the town begins to flourish. Pilar gives birth to Jose Jr.'s son who is named Arcadio. An orphan girl named Rebecca arrives who 8is claimed to be kin to the Buendias. They take her in as their own and try to get rid of habit of eating dirt. Rebecca ends up giving the whole town insomnia which causes the whole town to loose their memory. The sickness is cured when Melquiades returns with help. When Melquiades returns back to Macondo, he and Jose Sr. take up work trying to discover the existence of God. Ursula wants to expand the house by adding new rooms and such. A man named Don Apolinar Moscote arrives with his family and soldiers. Jose sr. wants him to turn in his power so that Macondo can remain a peaceful town. Aureliano ends up falling in love with his youngest daughter Remedios.

Magical Elements:
It was Prudencio Aguilar. pg.84

Character Change:
Aureliano: He is now love sick. Instead of working he writes love notes to Remedios. He writes all over the bathroom walls and his body.

Jose Arcadio Buendia: He is starting to go back to his old ways. He starts taking down mechanism given to him by Pierto Crespi. He eventually goes crazy and is requested by his son to be tied up to the almond three for forever.

Pierto Crepsi: The man with blond hair and very handsome. He is a very well-mannered man. He is in Macando making a piano for the Buendia family. He eventually falls in love with Rebeca.

Melquiades: He eventually dies of old age. His request was Burn mercury in his room for three days. Everyone was upset when he died especially Jose Sr. and Arcadio.

"The mans a fairy" pg.66 Jose Buendia is making fun of Pierto Crepsi. He is calling him gay.

"She has to come with her" pg.70 Aureliano is anxious to Remedios and is hoping that she comes to their house with his sister Aramanta.

Solitude: Aureliano shows solitude when he is madly in love with Remedios but she doesn't come to see him or respond to his letters. Because he is so deeply in love he puts all his strength into work and writing.

Incest: Aureliano ends up sleeping with Pilar who has a child by his older brother Jose Arcadio Jr.

Without a woman in his life, Aureliano sleeps with Pilar. Pilar helps him catch Remedios eyes. Amaranta and Rebecca both fall in love with Pierto Cripsi, who is there to build a piano for the family. They both become love sick. Rebecca goes back to eating dirt and other minerals while Amaranta becomes jealous because Pierto wants to marry Rebecca. Melquiades eventually dies and is the first death in Macondo. With all of the pain and sorrow, Jose Sr. ends up pleading insanity. He still believes that Prudencia Aguilar will hunt him to death. To protect his father, Aureliano and a group of men tie him up to a tree in the backyard and will stay there to the end of his life.

Magical Elements:
Thereupon Father Nicanor rose six inches above the level of the ground pg. 90

In the Caribbean he had seen the ghost of a pirate ship of Victor Hugues,... pg. 99

Character Change:
Remedios: She is now reaching puberty and is prepared to marry Aureliano. She now knows how clean herself and take care of others. She eventually gets killed from drinking poison that was meant for Rebecca.

Jose Arcadio Jr.: He has returned to his family looking very different. He has tattoos all over his body. He is very poor and has sex with women for money. He eventually marries Rebecca who is his sister.

Ursula: She is very discouraged with Rebecca’s and Arcadio's decision to get married. She bans both of them from the house and believes that they are shame to the family.

Aureliano: When Remedios dies he goes back work again. He becomes very frustrated because he has to live with out a woman. He eventually becomes the colonel of the Liberals. This shows that he has courage and is no longer going to let him discourage him.

"Fuck nature two times over" pg. 101 Jose Jr. is getting self-defensive because he wants to marry Rebecca and he doesn't care if they are brother and sister but he knows that he loves her.

"If I have to be something I'll be a Liberal, because Conservatives are tricky."Pg.107 Aureliano is choosing to be a Liberal because he knows that the Conservatives took the weapons and knives to frame the Liberals.

Incest: Rebecca and Jose Jr. end up getting married and they are brother and sister.

Solitude: Aureliano goes into solitude once he lost his wife and two kids due to his sister's stupidity.

Remedios and Aurelianp are finally getting married but Rebecca’s wedding is put on hold due to the death of Pierto Crispi's mother. His mother did not really die it was a trick set up by Amaranta. With Remedios in the house, it is so peaceful. She and Aureliano end up raising his son with Pilar as their own. Remedios suddenly dies and everyone in sorrow. Jose Jr. eventually returns to his family. He is very beastly with tattoos everywhere. Rebecca and Jose Jr. end up falling in love. They eventually get married and are banned from the house by Ursula. Amaranta and Pierto are free to fall in love now. After the death of his wife, Aureliano becomes concerned with the war between the Conservatives and Liberals. Aureliano decides to become a Liberal because he believes that the Conservatives are very sneaky. Aureliano becomes the head of the Liberals and receives the title "Colonel Aureliano Buendia".

Magical Elements:

Character Change:
Arcadio: The son of Pilar and Jose Jr. was left in charge by Aureliano. He takes control of Macondo and terrorizes the entire village. He is a very strong and determined person. He is willing to fight for his village. He eventually tries to hurt his mother and tries to rape her. He falls in love with Sofia de la Piedad. He eventually die because he doesn't back down to the Conservatives.

Ursula: She now is in control of the town. She re post new rules and punishes Arcadio. She feels alone since she can’t communicate with her husband anymore. She fells that she has to lie about the family to make Jose Sr. feel better.

Peirto Cripsi: He has fallen in love with Aramanta after loosing Rebeca to Jose Jr. She eventually turns him down which requires him to go crazy. He would sing songs and play music by her window but she would never respond.

Jose Arcadio Buendia: He is unaware of everything that is happening to his town. He is like a dead body just laying there.

"We leave Macondo in your care." pg. 114 This is Arcadio's so called initiation to keep Macondo under his rule.

"To my great honor, I am not a Buendia" pg. 122 Arcadio does not consider himself a Buendia because he not like them or apart of them.

"to give the girl the name Ursula." pg. 130 Arcadio wants the child to be name Ursula because he has remembered how much Ursula has done for since he was born.

War: There is war between the Liberals and the Conservatives which eventually tears the town apart.

Unrequited Love: Peirto Crespi is madly in love with Amaranta but he doesn't want to accept the fact that she doesn't love her. The fact that she doesn't love him resulted in him committing suicide.

Aureliano leaves for war and leaves Arcadio in charge. Arcadio becomes a harsh ruler and terrorizes everyone. He tries to sleep with his mother but she pays money for a virgin girl named Santa Sofia de la Piedad to sleep with. They eventually gets married and have three kids. A man comes to Macondo with a message from Aureliano telling him that when the Conservatives come to town, do not fight back. Because of his stupidity, the Liberals loose the war. Arcadio is executed and his last word s are to name his daughter Ursula or Remedios. Pierto proposes to Amaranta but she rejects it. Pierto decides to commit suicide and in remorse, Amaranta burns hand and covers it in black bandages that she will wear till death.